The Promised Showtimes

The Promised

Following her divorce, Alis (Janey Ratchanok Suwannaket) becomes a single mom to her son August (Oat Pasakorn Sanrattana). As Argus grows up, he's desperate to uncover the truth about his father, A ("Cee" Siwat Chotchaicharin ), a mystery his own mother avoids. When August turns 15, strange events lead him to discover his father's cryptic commands, plunging him into a dangerous journey. With Uncle Chet ("Son" Sonthaya Chitmanee) guiding them, they must confront their fears and secrets before a ritual promises to reveal all.

Ekkachai Srivichai, Ratchanok Suwankat, Siwat Chotichaicharin (Cee)
1hr 33min

The Promised Show Times

There are currently no sessions scheduled. Please check back again later.


This Movie is rated

A "PG" classification advises parents or supervising adults that the film may contain any of the following: themes, language, violence, nudity, sex, and horror, whose treatment is suitable for children below thirteen (13) years of age.
