My Zombabe Showtimes

My Zombabe

Pong is the loneliest man on the planet. He is ugly, but who cares? There are only a few men in the world, and one of them is him. Because of the zombie apocalypse, all the other men perished. One day, his world is rocked by the unexpected appearance of the beautiful love of his life, Yasmine, who is still alive but on the verge of turning into a zombie. Pong was once ghosted by Yasmine. Since he is one of the few living men in the world, Pong thinks that she would give him another chance even though she has already rejected him. He takes all possible measures to save Yasmine from becoming a zombie and to bring back her memories. But once she regains her humanity, will her heart also return the way it is? Her heart, which is incapable of loving Pong back.

Empoy Marquez, Kim Molina
1hr 45min

My Zombabe Show Times

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This Movie is rated

A "PG" classification advises parents or supervising adults that the film may contain any of the following: themes, language, violence, nudity, sex, and horror, whose treatment is suitable for children below thirteen (13) years of age.
